Saturday, June 13, 2015

2015.13.6 Do you think television


2. In my point of view, I think that television has both a positive and negative impact on society. 


 In my point of view, I think that television has both a positive and negative impact on society, but overall, I think that the positive benefits outweigh the negative impacts.


but overall,               I think that
      on the whole,     I think that

the positive benefits outweigh the negative impacts
the advantages outnumber the disadvantages

3. The first reason for this is that a person spends the best part of their waking life in a job.

a. There are 3 reasons I think this way,
                                     for my opinion
b. There are as follows, 

c. Firstly, 

 For instance, we can see the children’s TV programs, such as YoYo TV which is educational. 

For instance, we can see the children’s TV programs, such as YoYo TV which provides simple educational lessons for young children.

For instance, we can see the children’s TV programs, such as YoYo TV which teaches young children basic vocabulary.

For instance, we can see the children’s TV programs, such as YoYo TV which teaches young children good manners/good behavior

5. In the US, 'Sesame street' is a famous children's TV show that teaches kids basic language skills and lessons. 

6. The disadvantage of TV is that we will get inappropriate content, such as violence or bloodshed / disturbing images which has not been selected appropriately by the media.

inappropriate content, such as violence or bloodshed / disturbing images
                                                 bad language
                                                 disturbing images(令人作嘔, 令人不安的圖片)
                                                 disturbing pictures
                                                 disturbing videos 

7. In summary, I think that we should try to choose the best channels to watch.

    In summary,I think that if we are careful about which channels we choose to watch, and the hours that we watch TV, I believe television has an net/overall positive impact on society. 

the net effect

8. sea turtle 

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